Sunday 17 April 2016

From Pineapple To Kale

When I was in town the other day I picked up a fresh pineapple,
 The top chopped off
 Cut away the flesh
 Start pulling away the lower leaves,
 Excuse the dirty nail, but next to it is the start of a little root
  sometimes the roots are bigger and noticeable, after removing about 6 layers of outer leaves
 pop it into a pot of damp gritty compost,
I give it a spray of diluted seaweed extract, cover with a plastic bag or cloche and leave somewhere warm and sunny.
 With a bit of luck it will start growing and next year will produce a baby pineapple.
 I didn't waste the rest of pineapple,
 Sliced up with my pineapple cutter
The first asparagus spear was ready for cutting, 
only one but there is lots more pushing there way up, 
this one was eager
 Martin popped it into a small flask with some boiling water
 and had it with his eggs for breakfast
 After breakfast he had dinner to prepare
 The bantam cockerel only small but enough for the two of us,
we have one more cockerel to do, 
We only need one I don't see the point in feeding extras just to hang around and fight.
 Sol did his bit by licking the butchers block clean of blood.
Martin also took this photo of the front garden,
Full of daffodils

I picked a crate of curly kale today, this is the last of it
The bed it was in is were the new poly tunnel is going
 The goats enjoyed the stalks
We had some of the kale stir fried in balsamic vinegar with mushrooms and smoked garlic it was yummy.

Its been another glorious sunny day,
I have made a start in digging out the strawberry bed
while Martin was making a start setting the anchor points in concrete for the new poly tunnel. 

That's it for today
 I hope you are all enjoying the spring sunshine.


  1. We have finally had a sunny day too! Stunning house and setting. Sol looks so much like Buddy. Gorgeous. Can you eat the cockrel as soon as he is dispatched? I think I asked on another post but forgot to get notifications on it so I can't find it if I did.
    We have cockrels 8 weeks old at the moment and they are for the table/freezer.

    1. I've just read the post re Sol needing his tooth out - hope he's ok?

    2. Sol is fine now and back to normal, you can eat the cockeral on the same day, I prefer to let it rest for 24 hours before cooking.

  2. never seen a pineapple cutter before, now adding it to the list of "things I've seen on Dawn's blog that I now have to obtain"

    1. Had the cutter for years it has three different size cutters for different size fruit.

  3. Dawn I LOVE the photo of the front of your house, and all those daffs!

    1. They ave put on a good show and there is still ore opening

  4. The house looks gorgeous especially with the host of golden daffodils! I can't wait to grow my own asparagus - I LOVE it! You are doing such exciting things :)

    1. I find every day exciting there is so much to discover and try

  5. When I first read you post title I wondered if there was some sort of alchemy going on, turning pineapple into kale, LOL. Very nifty about planting the top; I hope it grows well! And I have to say that kale is one of my fav greens. Yummy!

    1. I like the curly Kale and love the black kale more

  6. Oh how fascinating. I hope you get your baby pineapple next year xx

    1. I will soon let you all know if it grows

  7. I grew a pineapple a few years ago - don't know what finally happened to it though. We are not really kale lovers, but I have never tried it with your combination so might do so. But asparagus and eggs is a combination made in heaven.

    1. I ave done the pineapples a few times since I found about it from Bob Flowerdew, its been a while since I tried it


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