Monday 2 February 2015

White Mountain Road

We got up this morning to a light dusting of snow and watched the news and weather with a morning cuppa and they said passing snow showers in our area but nothing but light showers, 
I set off for the craft club while hubby waited for a delivery before heading back to work.
At the craft club I was showing them how to make butter, we had toast on and the kettle was boiling when we noticed the snow coming down, it continued to fall getting heavier, one of the mums got a call from the playgroup to collect her child as the roads were getting difficult so I decided its best I head home as I had to go over the mountain, the snow was laying on the road they hadnt gritted, and I joined a line of traffic at the bottom of the hill and noticed they were all turning round, I had to go on as it was my route home, as I went to turn onto the mountain road two men flagged me down and advised me not to continue, but it was the only route home so on I went a safe speed.
This was the view out of the windscreen, It was a beautiful sight.
As I get up to the top there was no other tyre tracks in sight,
It was just me crossing the moor on top of the mountain, a 15 minute journey took almost an hour as at times visibility was very poor, I got home safe and sound to a lovely warm house and a much needed cuppa, its at times like this I am glad I drive a 4x4.
The snow is now starting to freeze over tomorrow the roads are going to be bad. I am glad I don't have to venture out, as for the weather forecast they got it wrong this morning.


  1. It's nice when there are no idiots to contend with when driving in the snow, but even nicer being safe indoors, warm and a brew in hand.

    1. The idiots are those that were trying to turn around at the bottom of the hill, causing everyone to stop rather than keep going, the worst thing to do is stop, keep moving if you can. :-)

  2. Glad you got home OK, the roads get back so quickly in Wales, we avoid visiting family in the winter months.

    1. They dont treat this road at all, although I do think they were caught out this time as the main road hadnt been treated either.

  3. What used to annoy me about using that road to go to Uni in Lampeter, was that ALL the snow would have piled up on the road, whilst the moorland just has a sprinkling. I'm glad you had a 4x4 and got home safely.

    We're below the snow line (unless it snows everywhere) and just had an icing sugar sprinkling, and although some fell mid-morning, it then turned to rain later.

    1. yep all piled up in the road, I reckon the horses moved it there :-)

  4. A 4x4 is only any good if you can drive it and it sounds like you can. Normally it's other vehicles stopping my way although the transit isn't great in the snow!

    1. I do like driving the 4x4 I feel safe behind the wheel :-)

  5. Glad you are back safe and well, thats why I keep well stocked up , if theres snow or lots of ice, severe gales or floods we don't have to go our for weeks as we have plenty to eat.

    1. The cupboards are kept well stocked here to :-)

  6. Thanks for popping round to tell me you were home safe and sound Dawn, I was getting worried about you. That mountain road can be difficult in the snow. Must get Junior C to show you the pics of it when it had drifted higher than the car! Luckily there is a local farmer up there who ploughs his way through it when it gets that bad - very helpful but with just a single track, meeting a vehicle coming the other way can cause 'difficulties'!.

    1. I will be looking forward to seeing those photos :-)

  7. We still have snow from last week's storms and as it's so cold it's not likely to melt just yet! Like you I deal with it without too much fuss and a great deal of care and make sure the birds get fed! It looks really pretty!

    1. I was refilling all the feeders this morning, they were all waiting in line for breakfast :-)

  8. Glad you got home safe & that you don't have to go out in it today especially with it freezing over xx

    1. I needed to go to the post van but decided against it :-)

  9. That was brave of you to tackle the road, still you had to get home eh? Glad you made it safe and sound.


    1. Whatever way I went I would have to go up a mountain road :-)

  10. Glad that you made it home safe and sound! Not a pleasant drive I imagine, but sounds as though you made the best of it by enjoying the scenery as you drove. xx


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