Sunday 8 February 2015

New Additions

A trio of Blue Lace Wyandotte bantams have now joined or little homestead, our chooks are getting on a bit now, 6 years old and although they lay the occasional egg I need to build up stocks for regular egg production,  these are a breeding trio unrelated and are POL so we should be able to build up a nice little flock

 Gizmo my black Silkie bantam was straight in and letting them know he is in charge, they came with an arc but in a few days they will be with the others at the moment they can stay in there little arc.
Next on the list is a couple of silkie bantam hens for Gizmo, and then some table birds. 
Poultry is very much on the agenda this year.


  1. Just killed a cockerel for tea tonight. I'd like to get some more this year and to breed another few lots. Trouble is I've got to build some new pems then. Your birds look nice and I love wyamdottes

  2. They have beautiful feathers don't they. I hope they help to increase your egg production. xx

  3. Nice hens. Are you familiar with the regular Poultry auctions at Ffairfach (Llandeilo)? They are held the last Saturday of each month. The May one is always the most expensive. They have a small car boot sale too (not much to write home about, truth be told!) and also an auction of various deadstock of use to farmers and smallholders, and sometimes the occasional useful lot of something else in the furniture line, but usually somewhat distressed . . . Worth checking out.

  4. The new bantie hens are really pretty, it is a while since we had banties. Our hens at the moment are getting a little long in the tooth but I can't bring myself to get rid of them, so I'll let them gently retire and get some pullets.

  5. Very pretty. We have silver laced wyandottes and I really like the look of the feathers. We need new chickens this year too. We only had cockerels hatch last year so our youngest hens are going into their third year of laying. Sounds like you have a good plan for ongoing production at your place.

  6. I love Silkies - even though they seem to spend most of their lives being broody. We always found that regardless of what we put in the next boxes they would perch delicately on top. One summer - I'm not sure if it was 8 or 9 eggs hatched from them - and all were male!


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