Saturday 21 February 2015

Bad News For Kara

Last week we took Kara to the vet, we were concerned about a lump on her toe, after a week of antibiotics and steroid ointment we were back today for a follow up, there has been no improvement, in fact the lump has grown, the vet told us today she didn't like the look of it and had concerns, she recommended that the toe is amputated, her toe is becoming enlarged and deformed.
They did a cell biopsy this morning and she is booked in next Friday for her operation.

Now onto the tomatoes 
They all have there true leaves and have been potted up, the are coming on great, I had a 100% germination but discard a few when potting on as the were weak or misshapen.
The Aubergine also have there true leaves now so they are ready to be potted on, peppers and chillies and not ready just yet they are only just started to develop there true leaves.
So that about sums up today, sausage on mash for dinner so must go.


  1. Poor Kara - hope she's soon feeling better once next Fridays over xx

  2. Good luck with Kara. I am sure she will adapt to losing her toe, animals are so resilient.

  3. I hope the biopsy only shows something localised and not more sinister. It seems so sad that a dog who has had a working life and came you for her retirement, has been having problems. At least she knows she is well loved and has been enjoying a well earned rest. Fingers crossed for her X

  4. Like Kentish Maid said, hope that the biopsy doesn't show anything more sinister for Kara. Thankfully, she has settled into your home life and knows that you are caring for her. Lots of hugs for her this week. CMW xx

  5. Fingers crossed that all is easily solved by the operation. A hug for Kara from me.

  6. It's so hard when animals are sick as they really don't understand the treatment is for their own good. Hope all goes well and she is running around again soon x

  7. Poor Kara. I hope that all will be well for her. xx

  8. Lots of love and good wishes to Kara, I'm sure she'll be just fine.

  9. Poor little Kara. I am sorry to hear that. We all love our animals so much.

  10. Your tomatoes look great! I need to get some started too.

    So sorry for Kara. She looks so sad. Here's hoping all goes well.


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