Tuesday 25 April 2017

A Glut Of Milk

Now Helen is being milked every morning and giving just 2pts at each milking, it wont be long until we start miking the other two as well and we will be awash with milk its time to start doing something with all this goodness,
I had six pints sitting in the fridge, first step was to put it through the separator
 I got half a pint of thick cream from the six pints, 
the cream I have kept to one side, in a couple of days I will do the same with the next batch and hope to have a pint of cream, I can then turn it into butter.
I heated up 2 pints of the skimmed off milk to make a wild garlic soft goats cheese
The by product of making the cheese is whey, that is kept in a container in the fridge to be used in cooking also the dogs get a small amount each morning.
the rest of the milk has been used in every day use, the next batch will be used for yogurt and more cheese.
Once milking is in full swing with all three ladies, some will be frozen for when they not being milk.

Over the week end, Martin was butchering and packing the second of the pigs, it came in at 123lb meat weigh. A lovely size.
We took a trip out to New Quay on Sunday afternoon
There was a swarm of Jelly Fish beached by the tide
 There was lots of them as well and they were big,
 Sol found a friend to play ball with
 Tess is still unsure about the beach and sea, even off her lead she sticks beside us.
 Over the week end I caught the three of the napping while they were suppose to be doing the bonfire
While they napped in the sunshine I was in the kitchen
A seeded split loaf this time.
Today like a lot of the country we had a brief reminder that winter had not long left, hail, snow and sunshine the wind had a real chill to it, the young plants still went out to harden off, the young kids didn't mind the change in weather as they jumped and ran about, mama dove is again sitting on eggs, last week the buzzard came and took her baby that had grown and fledged.
Today I stayed in and got to work finishing off a quilt that was started some time ago.
I am now off to bed to read a book.



  1. The cheese you made looks delicious. Do you ever make soap from your goats milk? We woke up to an inch of snow this morning but it's almost all gone now. We are supposed to get snow and rain all week.

  2. We had aground frost overnight here in Hampshire. Give yourself a treat with the goats milk, make some fudge, I love goats milk fudge, much nicer taste. The buzzard is a real pain for you.

  3. Oh my I am so sorry about the dove fledgling, Dawn. How do you use the whey in cooking? Cheese looks yum! Going to dry some of our wild garlic this week. We are seriously talking about getting our pigs when we get home after our summer hols. Eeeeek! Loving the dogs enjoying the beach.

  4. I know the buzzard has to eat as well - but what a shame about the young dove. I suppose if there was a much bigger group of doves each one would have a greater chance of surviving a buzzard fly-by.
    The cheese looks so fresh & delicious.

  5. I really hate that buzzard with a passion. Poor little baby and poor mama dove.
    Oooooh them jelly fish sent me all wibbly. I remember loads of them when I used to go to Conway for holidays as a child and they terrified me.
    The cheese looks yummy-x-

  6. I've never seen a milk separator before, that's pretty cool. I hope you get lots of butter out of the milking season! I had to go on an elimination diet at one point and only ate goat dairy products, that butter was really pricey!

  7. Cheese looks lovely, home churned butter, you have a kitchen full of goodness xx

  8. My mouth started to water when I saw that lovely cheese. I'm a huge fan of goat's cheese... while the rest of the family don't share my enthusiasm. They don't know what they're missing!!! Jx

  9. Could you eat jellyfish...not sure why they're in the sea else?! x

  10. Well, if anyone knows how to cope with a glut of goat's milk, it is you Dawn! Love the look of that cheese. I guess it is a bit like a Crowdie - I used to make that many years ago when the kids were small. Sorry to hear that the wretched Buzzard did for the young dove.

  11. ha ha loved the photo of them all taking a nap when they were supposed to be doing the bonfire!! {work shy gang ] whilst you worked in the kitchen. Alana xx

  12. Love the napping photo and sorry re the buzzard, especially when it got to this stage. Really interested in the milking, do you have to separate it?


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