Tuesday 10 January 2017

Just The Ticking Of A Clock

 The house has fallen silent, just the ticking of a clock
Sol is sulking in his bed
 Martin brought his bags down all packed

 I filled the cool bag with some home made ready meals, soups and cake, It was time for him to hit the road and go back to work.
He has been here for a long spell this time, and now the house seems empty and quiet.
Just about every job on his list got done.
Now I just have to get myself back into a routine.
No point in maudlin over it, needs must and we accepted this was going to be the way of life if we wanted to live our dream.
So we just have to get on grin and bear it and make the best of the situation.
Right I have things to do and they are not going to get done sitting here. 😊



  1. Before you know it May will be here and together you and Martin will be living the dream together x

  2. Not long until he is with you full time. Have a lovely day :)

  3. It is always the silence that drives it home, but it will not be too long before he is back.

  4. Aww Sol...cheer up little'un he'll soon be home tickling you behind your ears. Now be a good boy and help 'Mum' x

  5. What a good attitude to it all Dawn - and you certainly work hard - but if it is the way of life you both want then that is fine.

  6. Time will pass quickly once you get back to your routine!

  7. Hugs always seems so quiet and empty to start with. May is not far away. Take care. Pattypan x

  8. He will be home for good before you know it.

  9. I bet you're ticking off the weeks until May. Jx

  10. Awww...not long to go until May Dawn-x-

  11. Big sighs of understanding and a hug from across the pond.

  12. The house will seem empty at first but I hope with your daily routines the hours will be filled and the days fly by until he's back again.

  13. He will miss you guys too. Soon it will be May and all this will be behind you both! Time passes so fast!


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