Tuesday 3 January 2017

A Bright Day Dawns

It was a glorious day yesterday blue skies, sunshine, overnight frost, the air was still the birds were singing, I felt well enough to once again venture outside for some much needed fresh air after being in the house for a week.
But first zipped through the house with the hoover, got some washing on, washed the floors.
I walked up over the fields to see how the concreting was going in the Alpaca shelter

 Martin was working on the last section
It is looking fab
I think Martin has done a wonderful job, he mixes the concrete down beside the house and transports the mix up by tractor, the Alpacas will soon have a lovely dry new home. A place were can can attend to there needs under cover and on hard standing.
I pop over to see if the top bar hive had any activity,
made up a supplementary feed in one of the new bee feeders
 to find the feeder would not fit into the door of the hive, I am going to look and see if I can trim some off, I left it outside there door for them and by the afternoon there was bees on it feeding, didn't have my camera with me.
 I spent a bit of time in the poly tunnel and potted up some of the pitcher plants into a barrel, a job that was on last years list and got overlooked.
I walked Sol across the fields in the winter sunshine playing ball with him.
Dinner was chili con carne
 there was enough left over to portion up 3 ready meals for the freezer. A loaf of bread was in the oven and that ended another day on the ranch.



  1. Ooh what a lovely post and a good day's work. My lot are back to school and work today and I'm really looking forward to getting back into a proper routine. Back to bread making tomorrow and the usual but thankfully beds were changed yesterday. Today I have made in roads with the xmas decc; that is the problem with loving decorating, there is a lot to take down but I'm getting there. Doing the tree tomorrow and then will sort through and box it up over the next few days. Thankfully I have room in the cellar to do it.

    1. I like it when the decorations come down it opens the space up again in the house

  2. The alpaca house is looking good. It's always great having spare meals in the freezer as it means you can have some no cook days in the future.

    1. most of the meals Martin takes back with him for his dinners, but it is nice to have a few for me, I dont like cooking for one

  3. What a lovely new shelter for the alpacas.
    That chilli looks delicious. I might have to make one myself....we haven't had one for ages-x-

    1. It was just what I fancied a little bit of spice

  4. Oh my, what a wonderfully productive day for you all! It's encouraging to see everything going so well at your place (especially the bees).

    1. This year is going to be the year of the bees I have some-what neglected them the past few years

  5. I do admire the way you make meals in advance and freeze them - it is my new year's resolution.

    1. I think its easier to cook a larger meal than just for 2

  6. Sounds like another perfect day. Good luck with the bee feeder!

    1. got to see if I can shave some off the feeder so I can slip it in there door way

  7. The chilli looks great. Is it really spicy? We make pasties with it.

    1. This chili was of medium heat, I like the idea of chili pasties

  8. A good, productive day, the Alpaca shelter has really come on. I love when there's enough extra food to be able to freeze some xx

    1. The shelter is going to a great space for them, and make it a bit easier being able to attend to there needs under cover

  9. Can't wait to see what you both get up to when Martin is back full time, you both have so many skills.

    1. I am hoping first lots of jobs get done and the list of things starts to reduce in size

  10. Do you buy your freezer trays in or use ones that come for something else? Thanks :)

  11. Love the floor of your alpaca shelter. Will you leave them there overnight in winter too, or bring them in to a "warmer" nighttime shelter closer to the house?


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