Wednesday 30 November 2016

Early Morning Clean Up

Sometimes you have to find little jobs to tied you over, this morning up at 5-30, cup of tea first then what to do, too early to feed animals they would still be tucked up asleep, 
Got bread on the go, washing machine on, then decided to clean down the log burner
 Out with the stove polish and cloths
 It was pretty grubby
now its nicely blackened again
 Then out with the glass cleaner
 grubby but not too bad
Soon it was all clean
Finish off with the slate oil
 The slate tiles were filthy
 they were washed down and oiled  
Logs all brought in and its ready to have a match put to it tonight,
the bread was done, washing was done 
it was soon 8am and time to take out feed and hay, break the ice on the water troughs.
Sun is shining, blue sky the rest of the day is my own until 3pm, then walk the dog, feed animals, bed down goats and chickens, light the fire and enjoy 👍
Thursday December 7th 1982
Celandine calved bull 12-30am
Blue faced rams picked up at mid-day
Mr Emmet  Ministry Agri called to discuss various grant schemes.
Took Magic's swab to vet lab.
Bought Xmas presents,
had two letters from mother.
Made 12lbs of marmalade.
John started making clothes airier.
Hoovered bedroom, did 3 loads of washing.
Rained all day, thunder and lightning.





  1. your day, are you making something creative

  2. Great job, looks fab. I am just coming to terms with my new cleaning habits since we have the Rayburn lit most of the time now. i have so say I seem to have a wet cloth in my hand constantly and am forever wiping down dust which comes from it when we stoke or open up the door. Hay ho, at least its free heating and eating. That was a busy day in the diary!

  3. I hate that job with a passion as ours seems to have lots of nooks and crannies that need a toothbrush to get into....but then it does look lovely when it's all done and shining.
    Never seen the glass cleaner for stoves before. I must get some of that-x-

  4. Despite the 5:30 start it dies sound like my sort of day. Busy busy doing lots of little things.

  5. Despite the 5:30 start it dies sound like my sort of day. Busy busy doing lots of little things.

  6. How lovely to know it's done and out of the way. Hope you enjoy cosying up in front of your nice clean stove tonight xx

  7. Dawn, I am blown away by all that work done before I have even had my breakfast - and it all looks sparkling.

  8. You put in a full day's work before I finished my first cup of coffee!

  9. Love those early morning chore days! Now my kids are older, I'm getting more and more of them as they all like a little sleep in ;) your clean fire looks delighful!

  10. I was smiling to myself reading this knowing that any people would be shocked to see all of that done by 8am. Love how busy you are :)


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