Sunday 20 November 2016

Lovely Sunny Sunday

Its been a lovely sunny day here today, chilly but the sun was out and we had blue skies.
My 5 Sweet Chestnut trees arrived the other day
 I got them planted out in the woodland field, while I was up there I planted out a few other trees as well, all the young trees I have in pots have been moved up there so when ever I am passing through I get another couple in the ground, I leave a spade up there along with a tub of dried blood and bone meal in readiness.
It takes the pressure off doing one big planting session.
My new Almond tree got planted out today as well.
 Martin was finishing off some scaffolding he was doing next door on there barn conversion, once done he joined me with Sol and we took a walk over to see the progress of the new boundary fence that is going between our new fields and the neighbours.
 We dragged a load of branches back for the goats.
 They really enjoy have the branches to chew on, and with all the hedges being cut there is plenty there for them to work through.
They like to chew the bark of the branches along with all the twiggy bits and any leaves that are left on them.
I got the poly tunnels watered then set to clearing the asparagus ferns, weeding the bed and getting a load of spent mushroom compost on to top the bed up. Picked the last of the raspberries and the first of the sprouts. Martin has been splitting logs
The log burner is now lit and lamb chops cooking for dinner.

Thursday December 2nd 1982
John got combine out of cattle shed, Day's rep called left some scour mixture for Magic, 75mls daily.
 Shifted more machinery around, checked antifreeze in machinery and vehicles, I cut back hedge alongside lawn.
Wrote to mother, Richard and Cheryl, Daniels called with 1/2 ton rolled barley at £144 a ton and 3 bales of straw (to be replaced)
put landrover and tractor batteries on charge overnight.


  1. Ooh that sounds like a good day; we had lovely weather, too. Jon sorted out his VERY untidy shed and workshop today, Alfie helped him set a small fire, the boys were bringing in logs and kindling and I cleaned out the chickens. Great to get some outside jobs done on a bright, crisp day.

  2. Hi Dawn

    Glad to see the Nuttery going in. Out of interest are the Chestnuts a particular variety and how long before you will be harvesting? Good strategy to plant some every time you are up there. Will you be planting up hedgerows on the new land as well. Glad its coming together. Take care Pattypan xx

  3. Day inside here loads of rain, more to come tonight and tomorrow

  4. .....and I bet those lamb chops tasted wonderful after a day out in the fresh air-x-

  5. It's great that you're thinking about the future.

  6. Not complaining, but your cooler weather makes for easier job doing for sure! Where I am we've gone from cooler spring to summer all in a week. With humidity too...I'm happy winter is done...but the flies....gah! Enjoy your cooler fly free world!

  7. Sounds like you had an idyllic in winter sunshine followed by a meal fit for kings. x

  8. "Picked the last of the raspberries and the first of the sprouts" I loved this sentence. The joys of growing your own. When one is done, another is just beginning.
    Love the idea of sweet chestnuts, we are considering swapping some of our trees out but I need time to see what's best first.

  9. I am reading this after just looking at the News which talked of the terrible conditions in Cardigan Bay. I do hope the bad weather has not ruined your tree planting or your polytunnels Dawn.

  10. Sounds as if you had a lovely day.

    God bless.


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