Tuesday 29 November 2016

Keep The Sea To The Left

Yesterdays plans did not come to fruition, Martin's work scheduled over the week end threw me out completely.
He came home Thursday night, went back to work Saturday, came home again Sunday night and goes back to work today.
Anyway yesterday, I had an order of cushions to deliver to shop that sells some of my wares over at Haverford West.
Off we went, delivery made, hubby suggested we pop down to Fishguard as we were not that far away, we haven't been to Fishguard since a holiday about 5 years ago, it was wall to wall blue sky with brilliant sunshine. 
After Fishguard Martin suggested we drive home the coastal route, keeping the sea to the left off we go, Newport beach looked inviting.
 An opportunity for Sol to have a run around and stretch his legs

 And a paddle in the sea
We then set off up to Cardigan again we haven't visited since the Welsh holiday.
 Parked up then set off hunting for some lunch.
 We happened upon this cafe and Sol thought it was perfect
unfortunately he was disappointed, they were having a re-fit so no sausages for Sol.
After lunch of baguettes we headed home via Newcastle Emlyn were I paid a quick visit to the fabric shop 
were some lovely brushed cotton flannel came home with me.
We got home just in time to start the evening feeds,
I cooked a chicken curry for dinner then we sat in front of the log burner and watched some TV on catch up and Martin had his winkles we collected from Newport beach.
Perfect day but not what I had in mind.
December 6th 1982
Phoned Jones to collect Blue Faced ram, John phoned about subsidy cheque and to notify final amount of ewes.
Got paint, putty cement, putty knife and wood from timber shop, vets for medicine for scouring, Iron-aid + 21/3pts of water for Magic Aureomycin powder 11/2 teaspoons and 6ml injection, also gave Bracken, Fran and Misty powder.
Phoned mother to stop her getting Hoover, father feeling tired, got her to find measurements of Lisa and Michael for Christmas presents, then she phoned back with same and is sending name and address list for Christmas cards. 
Took swab from Magic, talked to Mr Emmet about farm schemes.



  1. I can just envisage your day out - that is a lovely route, and taking in lots of towns with character that Wales does so well. We haven't been to Newport for about a year (I think we went there as Keith's birthday day out last year). It's a lovely beach, winter or summer.

  2. What a lovely thing when a day is turned on its head in such a wonderful way.

  3. Poor Sol. That blackboard sign is a cracker!

  4. I so often seem to have days like that where nothing quite goes as I had planned it. Your 'alternative' day looks amazing though and possibly just what you needed after so much hard work? Mine consisted of driving back and forth to the local town and train station six times! I didn't get much done but today is another day!

  5. Unplanned is often better than planned. I went to Fishguard about 10 years ago with work, checking the Irish ships docking. Lovely area with stunning beaches and views.

  6. Good thing Sol can't read or he'd be more disappointed. Lovely that you turned your day into something that to landlocked me seems magical.

  7. Some days are better when plans go wrong, glad to read you had a nice time, you don't often get away.

  8. Spontaneous fun! Sounds wonderful!

  9. This brought back memories - I adore Cardigan Bay - many years ago, when my son was young, we holidayed in Verwig every Easter.

  10. Lovely little get away, and what gorgeous fabric found it's way home with you.

    God bless.

  11. Sounds like a good day. I love a random day at the beach.

  12. I find unplanned days often turn out the best, I think I appreciate them more. It's always lovely to get to the beach.

  13. Sounds like a perfect spontaneous day - brilliant that you can do that. Looks like Sol enjoyed himself regardless.


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