Tuesday 14 March 2017

Dogs And Doves

I will start with the Doves 
So far so good, the hatching's are now 1 week old 
Or Squabs is there proper name 
 Both eggs have hatched and the Squabs seem to be thriving, ugly little things, sorry this is the best photo I have managed to get without upsetting mammy dove who's house keeping leaves a lot to be desired.
Doggie weigh in yesterday
Tess lost 1.1kg last week total loss so far 5.6kg she now weighs in at 34kg she is doing great and will soon be slimmer of the year.
Sol has managed to put on 70g he now weighs in at 33.7kg not a vast increase but better than losing it.

We had a scare with Tess on Sunday morning she couldn't stand, she was trying to get across the floor on her belly, a visit to the emergency vet, she has a lot of weakness in her back legs due to the conditions she was kept in and her excess weight wasn't helping, 
He gave her an injection for pain relief and anti inflammatory and she was soon running around like a pup.
We think she is on the move to much and her legs cant cope with the amount of running around she is doing
more rest is needed, so the decision has been taken she will not go on the afternoon walks with Sol it will be her rest time.
 She follows us every where and spends a lot of time out in the fields, she needs to pace her exercise better, she is also on daily medication to help her legs although we know they wont improve and over time they will deteriorate

 She can now get up and down the ramp for the car, she loves going out and about, as does Sol.
We hope soon to take her to the beach her first every seaside trip.


  1. Not so pretty now but they will be when they grow up.
    Oh poor Tess. Thank goodness she has you looking after her.
    She looks so beautiful.bless her.
    Good news that Sol is putting on weight-x-

  2. I hope that all will be well for both lovely doggies, they are a wonderful pair aren't they and must give you so much company too!

    1. you never get lonely with these two around

  3. Doves not pretty just now but they will be. Poor Tess but she is so lovely.

  4. I love following along with the dogs. Bless your heart for taking in Tess! I got all weepy at the prospect of her first beach trip. Now that my son doesn't have to travel for work, he's looking for an older dog.

    1. It might be another week before she gets that beach trip

  5. Daily glucosamine with chondroitin works wonders for joint problems in dogs. Poor Tess, she must be loving all the stimulation and attention and 'joining in' after her previous non-life. Ever likely she's overdoing it a bit.

    1. Yes she is just overdoing it but its hard to get her to slow down

  6. I love the updates on Sol & Tess. It's a real shame she had to wait until now to live a happy life rather than being used for constant breeding. Here's to them both!

  7. Tess must be loving her golden years life with you. Good that Sol is putting on a bit of weight. We need to get (or OH make) a ramp for the car (a high 4 wheel drive)....Betty is getting too heavy to lift as both OH and I have bad backs, and she can't yet jump up into the boot.

    1. We bought the ramp for Kara as she couldnt get into the back I knew it would come in useful again

  8. Oh Tess...just when you strike it lucky with your new home...the old joint start giving you what for...go steady little princess. x

  9. How exciting for her, so many new smells and experiences at the beach. Fingers crossed the Squabs thrive xx

  10. I've been reading for a while and am amazed at your ingenuity when it comes to practical solutions, such as wine cooler for curing your pork, and full of admiration for how hard you and Martin work. Normally I don't comment on blogs that I read, but I just wanted to say how glad I am that you've taken Tess in. As a serial adopter of older dogs I can honestly say they've given me unreserved love despite some shockingly bad treatment in their past, and bucket loads of happiness but there is a small price to pay - they steal their way into our hearts and take a part of it and leave much, much sooner than we're prepared for. While we have them they need gentling along because their health is so often compromised. She'll be sad about missing her afternoon walks with you and Sol but it'll keep her with you for longer so it has to be that way. Bless you for taking her on and sharing her story with other people.

    1. It is difficult not to take her in the afternoon with Sol but the rest is good for her as she is on the go non stop until her legs give out

  11. Oh bless her, thank goodness she is with a family that will love and look after all her needs unlike her previous life
    Alana x

    1. Her old life is but a distant memory everyone who meets her wants to take her home, she is so lovable


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