Wednesday 15 March 2017

A Kitchen Trip North Of The Border

Sorry I haven't been anywhere just in the kitchen, I am sure I mentioned before my family roots are in Scotland we moved away when I was tot, I was brought up with Scottish food and traditions, my parents were loyal to there heritage.
There are lots of Scottish meals I enjoy and none more so than Haggis, before we moved here,there was a local butcher who stocked many Scottish cuts and dishes and I would buy Haggis from him, but here in Wales I have come across no such thing.
I miss it and thought it was time I had a go a making some.
I bought a Haggis seasoning mix along with casings when I order some sausage casings 
It came with a recipe suggestion, the suggestion was 1kg of lamb liver heart and pluck or  1kg of lamb of mutton, I had liver in the freezer and minced it with some lamb breast

600g of beef suet
 And the seasoning oatmeal mix
 All mixed together with 1lt of liquid
 The casings were soaked for a few hours in tepid water
 The casings were filled and tied,
The first three in the pan cooking one and half hours in water at 80c
 Another three waiting to go, they weigh about 1.5lbs each
 Once cooked and cooled they will keep for several weeks in the fridge or can be frozen.
There was some of the mixture left over I dry fried it and had it for dinner 
It tasted just like Haggis 👍
On Monday I picked a big bunch of Purple Sprouting Broccoli
It was cooked up using the Broccoli and Bacon Recipe from this book
This book was recommended to me, it has lots of great seasonal recipes, I got mine off Amazon for 1p plus p&p
If you like cooking seasonal food I highly recommend it.




  1. Oh Andy would love your haggis.
    It's getting harder to find for him locally-x-

  2. Good on you for making your own haggis Dawn!

    1. It tastes great even better made with our own home reared lamb

  3. PSB is one of the vegetable treats of the season, it is the first crop of the new season (I picked my first helping last week) and usefully arrives when there is little of the winter veg left. This year I also discovered that the new unopened flower shoots of Cavolo Nero kale look & taste just like delicate broccoli, and also arrive at a useful time as the winter crop tries to go to seed.

  4. Oh Dawn that looks yummy.I like haggis.

  5. We can only get canned Haggis here in the States. Which saddens me. I have never had the real thing.

  6. When we toured the UK and visited Scotland, we went to a dinner. I was the only one that loved Haggis!! Lucky me I got to finish lots of peoples. I think it might have been my Scots heritage coming through. Lucky you in getting to make your own.

    God bless.

    1. Its one of those love hate things I think


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