Wednesday 1 February 2017

Number Crunching Cherry Trees

I really need to start getting the Cherry Tree's into the ground, with 100 of them to dig holes for and plant it was going to take a bit of paper work and number crunching
 I want to plant them on the inside perimeter of this field
 following the fence line, I want them evenly spaced as well,
 armed with a tape measure I measured the fence line omitting the gates,
 once I had the total figure in inches dividing it by the amount of trees, I need the trees 46 inches apart
 I got the first 10 in the ground
 Then took a break to fetch the goats some branches, they do like to munch the bark off the branches and munch the twiggy bits. There waist lines are spreading in preparation for next months impending arrivals
 while I was in the top woodland field I planted another 5 trees up there, Sol likes to supervise the planting.
Another break for lunch, I brought in all the old plant labels in to clean
 After a good soak and the old pencil marks scrubbed off
 They are now as good as new and ready to go again.
The rain came down this afternoon, walking Sol and doing the afternoon feed round I ended up soaked
 Everyone was done and undercover by 4-30, the chickens had taken themselves in and I took the opportunity to shut the hatch to save me going back out in the rain and the Alpacas had taken to standing in the shelter watching the rain come down.
I think we are suppose to get some wild weather over the next few days, but whatever comes I have plenty to get on with indoors.


  1. What a wonderful sight those cherry trees will be when fully grown and covered in blossom-x-

    1. I would have liked a mixed of white and pink blossoms but couldn't get the pink at a decent price so have settled for just white

  2. I heard about the wild weather too, Storm Doris was it? Once we're through February, we can leave it well and truly behind us. Well done on the tree planting and lovely to see the goats getting ready.

    1. The goats seem to be getting bigger each day

  3. It's a good start with the planting, we have no plans to be outside this weekend.

    1. The tree planting seems to be never ending, I have some more fruit trees on the way as well

  4. 100 cherry trees! Cherries are my favourite ever fruit. Wishing you good planting weather.

    1. I am not expecting to harvest from these trees, we have some in the fruit cage for us

  5. Love cherries. It's great that the alpacas are appreciating they're shelter xx

    1. After all the work Martin put into building there shelter they better

  6. You are doing a stirling job with the cherry trees but i hope you can plant most of them in better weather! They will look amazing when all in flower! It is very windy here today, wet, too, but not that cold really.

    1. wet and windy here too, no tree planting today

  7. Are your hens allowed out? I thought we all had to keep our hens in - ours hate it as they have been in since Christmas.

    1. The chickens are in an enclosed run because of the buzzard, when the restriction came in the run was covered over with netting and tarp so they can still go into the run no access to wild birds or there droppings, there food and water is in the hen house were it usually it, we have disinfectant foot baths at the entrance to the run and the entrance to the hen house.

  8. It's wet as anything here today as well. I live cherry trees, just worth it for the blossom alone. That field will be a picture in a few years time!

  9. What a busy day! The cherry trees will be wonderful when they are all flowering!


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