Tuesday 21 February 2017

Just Shovelling and Planting

Just a few jobs done yesterday 
I have been shifting  the contents of compost bin 1 into the poly tunnel 
 This is were the peas are going, once I have the border finished this week I can get a structure in place for them to climb up then get the peas in.
In the cut flower beds
 I got fifty lily bulbs planted, the next bed will be dahlias I am going to get them started in pots first, then the far end bed will be gladioli 
I got some seeds on the go for collards and kale they are to be planted out in the area that the pigs are turning over they will be grown on for animal feed.
Another bit of news, the doves have been at it again.
They have been sitting on eggs since Friday, lets hope this time they get it right and have a success.
The daylight hours are getting longer, I am moving evening feeds back by half an hour, it wont be long before the clocks change, then there feeds will move with the clocks giving a longer day to get chores done.
Sol and me are out on a special trip today I will update on that in my next post. 😀🐕


  1. Are you doing the lilies etc for yourself?

  2. I have started a few seeds off and the new potato seed are chitting nicely, it is good to make a start on a new year of growing. Enjoy your trip out.

  3. I was hoping for a post from you when you commented on one of mine earlier. Look forward to seeing the structure for your peas to help with my peas and beans. The weather here today is super wet and miserable and I wonder when I am going to get outside to do a couple of jobs I want to do when it is dry!I can't wait for the longer days and was myself thinking about the change in feed times the other day - get me!So looking forward to being able to start things outside or in the Poly House and not inside the house. Great news re the doves and look forward to hearing about you and Sol's trip out.

  4. Those flower beds will look amazing.
    Fingers crossed for baby doves this time-x-

  5. Well done you, we are in the process of moving but will probably empty our compost heap onto the garden before we go, it's such good compost. And we want the garden to look nice for the new owners.

  6. As we have had a positive viewing and have our fingers x'd they will a) offer and b) make it close to the asking price, I don't think I shall be starting any veg off this year. It will seem strange though.

    Those cut flower beds will look wonderful at the height of the season.


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