Sunday 12 February 2017

Freezing And Freezers

I really don't know were the time goes,
yesterday I made a batch of waffles for us to have over the week end
 and the usual week end loaf of bread
 Then it was strip the bed, hoover through, get all the house stuff up to date, the remainder of the day I spent down in the cabin working on some new ideas for up and coming craft fairs, while Martin popped out for animal feed, he spent the rest of the day splitting logs and re-filling the log shed.
This morning I decided to pull out the contents of freezer 2 (mainly meat) re-do the inventory and get the meat from freezer 3 into the freezer 2, clearing out a freezer in readiness for a pig we are slaughtering in a couple of weeks.

 There is 4 pages listing the contents of the freezer

 I have lists on all the freezers, what is canned. pickled, preserved and dehydrated, they all live in this folder that lives in the kitchen
 when something is used its crossed off, this way I can see what we have and with vegetables it helps me decide what I need to grow, no point in growing loads of chilies again when I have plenty in storage, the space can be given over to growing something we are running low on.
While going through the freezers I pulled out a load of salmon
I am going to get this canned later today, it will then be ready to use for sandwiches or fishcakes, fish doesn't keep long in the freezer before it spoils.
Its bowing a gale outside and cold with it, yesterday we had on off snow flurries. It ha been a cold week, and many a morning I have to clear thick ice of the animals drinking troughs, the ice still hasn't defrosted just sitting there were I left it.


  1. Lovely organisation post. Fab. I love a list! Waffles look yummy, must give them a try.

    1. he waffles are yummy I got a waffle iron that will sit on the rayburn rather than an electric one

  2. I really must take some leaves out of your book for organisation! Canning fish...yum. x

    1. I just started with small things then as each part was done it was easier to do more

  3. That is amazing organization. Paperwork is a particular weakness of mine although I wish it wasn't.

    1. Its only been the past year or so I have been getting organised on the paperwork front

  4. Waffles looking lovely. You're always so organised, a good way to live xx

    1. To live like we do there has be some kind of organisation or nothing would get done

  5. I try to be organised but I don't think I have it quite as nailed as you do....I must try

    1. It takes a while to get into the swing of it

  6. Preparation and organisation go hand in hand. Well done Dawn you really do keep yourself busy.

    1. Like they say the devil makes work for idle hands

  7. I do like organisation posts, look forward to more :)


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