Sunday 28 February 2016

Super Fast Seeds

This week I set some Mung Beans to sprout
The beans I bought from Tesco £1.50

A lot cheaper than a small seed packet from the garden centre
I gave them a wash and left them to soak over night in water

Next day they were popped into a seed sprouter and left in the dark

In a few days they will be ready to add to a stir fry, I will start more off and keep a good supply going.
It's so easy to grow your own bean sprouts and cheaper.
Shopping this month was £17.10 last month was £21.70
We are working our way through the freezers and there is now space appearing
We still have plenty of veg from last years harvest and plenty of our own meat
Things are coming on great I the tunnel we are still harvesting spinach baby leeks
Swiss chard kale broccoli radish and beetroot,
I have made a start with some of this years sowings
Peppers chillies were started in January and are under the grow lights
Melon,s germinated the other day 
 and I noticed this morning that the tomatoes are all popping up
I am growing three different tomatoes this year
Pink Vine
Gardeners Delight.

I did notice the potatoes I planted in the poly tunnel last month are now all starting to push there way up.

I have been busy down the cabin too, new post on my craft blog.
Tomorrow we are taking Sol down the beach, its his 9th Birthday so its a trip out to his favourite place,
right must head back we are letting the goats out into the field this afternoon.


  1. I must get into the habit of doing my own beanshoots again - I have a little glass jar sprouter with a gridded top you rinse them through. Slap my wrists.

    It sounds like your plot has been productive right through the winter. Well done.

    See you soon. Life has been a bit hectic here and when I was free, it was half term so you had a housefull!

  2. I loved planted some seeds last week but So many more to plant yet! I love the coming season!

  3. It all sounds fantastic Dawn. I'm starting my seeds next week as I'm off work.

  4. First day of Meteorologic Spring tomorrow Dawn, so tell your seeds that - it should help them on their way.


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