Monday 22 February 2016


Just had an update from BT it has been escalated to urgent 
we have a final date for completion 

APRIL 20th 2016 

It would be too obscene to write what I am thinking


  1. Oh Dawn....I would say it's unbelievable, but remembering how BT messed us around when we moved house, sadly it's not unbelievable at all. You could try posting a message on Twitter or Facebook (if you use either of them), you may shame them into getting the job done earlier. When I have trouble with my mobile phone service, I always post on their FB page - they get back to me within an hour.

  2. Oh for goodness sake, you must be so fed up with it all. Looking forward to hearing all your news soon! My son has posted on twitter and the company got back to him pdq. Don't know that it would hurry BT up but may be worth a try.

  3. Shocking and shameful...what about your MP? re risk to life re emergencies etc and I would contact Wales today , radio Wales and local papers, might shock them into action nothing like bad press to give them a kick up you know where!!!

  4. I can imagine what you're thinking. Can you get the name of the CEO. I'd bombard him with texts, emails. Its disgusting they wouldn't want to be without a line. The problem is BT still have the monopoly when it comes to the actual lines.

  5. I'm sorry you are being messed around so much. It is really maddening, as we all know from experience/

  6. The big companies don't care about people, Sky did the same to us when we moved in October 2009, we did not get connection until well into the new year.

  7. Dearie me, I just don't know how you are managing. :-)

  8. And to think we pay BT for the service. WE are the customer
    for goodness sake. I think Chickpea's suggestion is worth a try - anything is.

  9. What a nightmare. I think the name and shame option is the best way to go. I have to say, I've heard far too many bad reports about BT and certainly wouldn't use them out of choice. I hope they sort it out soon!

  10. That's so poor isn't it - have you thought about a complaint into their regulatory body - I think it's Ofcom for BT - worth investigating though - also as other comments - use twitter - they don't like bad publicity do they - Good Luck xx

  11. BT have a wonderful sense of humour don't they? Nail them to the mast on every bit of social network you can access. Get the Carmarthen Journal and your local MP involved. I hope you can up the ante soon, as that truly is ridiculous, although that said, when poles are involved (worse still, RIVERS!) they use it as an excuse to put you at the back of the queue.

  12. Oh dear! Nothing new then. My (elderly) parents downsized in the autumn and were without their phoneline/internet for 5 weeks when they moved. I thought that was bad enough.

  13. I have missed your posts. Looking forward to you getting back online. I do understand the problems you are having, we live in a remote place too and have to have satellite internet to supplement our phone internet which isn't much faster than dial up. Great idea by Sooze, might be worth trying it.


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