Thursday 11 February 2016

Quicky Update

Still waiting on BT 12th of Feb it is suppose to be done
Baby goats are doing fine

all very bouncy, and love playing king of the castle
the female has been named Helen after Helvelyn in the Lake district.

Hope to be back soon online properly :-)


  1. Good to hear from you. Glad the goats are doing well.

  2. Great photos, I do like goats. They are so bouncy and full of daring do.

  3. I love reading about your life and eagerly look forward to each posting however, I am finding it very difficult to read because of the font you are using. Could you possibly try a darker or larger one? Many thanks from Canada.

  4. They all look well!
    Hope that BT soon sorts out your line.

  5. The kiddies look lovely. Hope you're back soon.

  6. Other things have to take precedence in the days of new arrivals don't they?

  7. Helen - that's nice (I thought you might be an Archers fan!!) Which one is she? I hope that BT aren't "fibbing" again and DO turn up, but don't hold your breath.

  8. I'm enjoying the baby goat pics so much!

  9. I love kids they are full of fun and bounce, glad to hear from you.

  10. Glad to hear you are okay and that the animals are thriving although you are still waiting on BT to reconnect you again. Those little kids look gorgeous, Hope Cara and the rest are all well to. Take care. Pattypan x

  11. Love the pictures of the goats and kids, they all look so healthy. Hope you get your internet stuff sortd out.

  12. Good to hear from you and to know that all is going well with the goats, I hope that the alpacas are OK too. xx

  13. Hey Dawn, hope your technical problems are sorted out soon, I'm missing your posts :)


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