Sunday, 23 March 2014

It Looks Like Its Happening

Finally it all looks like it could be happening, we have had an offer accepted on a smallholding in Wales, we spent a very wet couple of days in Wales viewing several smallholdings, and feeling very despondent until we came to the last one and this was the one, it has a traditional welsh stone built  farmhouse, 3 bedrooms, solid fuel Rayburn in the kitchen, log burner in the living room, 5 acres of land, a couple of barns and its at the end of its own track on the edge of a forest at the top of a mountain. We are now just playing the waiting game while the paper trail get going, there is no chain so we hope by June to be moved.
In the meantime its been clearing out stuff, getting rid of unwanted stuff that has accumulated, packing sorting all the things that go with house moves.
I feel a bit in limbo as its the start of the growing season, not knowing if we will be here to harvest anything puts me off planting up the garden but on the other hand I don't want the garden sitting empty, so I am making use of container growing half of what I sow goes in the garden and the other half goes into containers, if we do get moved before harvest time we will still have some veg to harvest. Last Autumn I dug up a lot of  the dwarf fruit trees from the garden, I planted them into big plastic trug containers so we could take them with us, they are all coming into bud so seemed to have survived, I also took up a young grape vine that has also survived. I took cutting from the kiwi and 4 of them have taken, so if nothing else we will have some fruit to plant out in the new garden.
The Bees seem to have come through the winter alright, the chickens are back in lay again, the Alpacas are coming on great and we take them walking on Sundays, they are getting use to traffic and walk really well on there harnesses. There is only one problem we encounter when we take them out, people come out of there houses to speak to us, children expect to be able to pet them, cars slow down turn round and come back for a second look, so what should be a nice half hour walk through the village turns into a couple of hours.
Walkies with the Woolly Wonders


  1. Hi Dawn, I wanted to return the blog visit and thank you for your kind comment on mine. If you ever do a review, let me know!

    Congratulations! What an exciting time for you. I very much hope it all works out because it sounds like you found the perfect place.

  2. thank you may well do that when time allows

  3. Good luck with the move! I'd still plant up the garden as these house moves can go on for a long time.
    Just out of interest how did you do your kiwi cuttings and what time fo year did you do it?

  4. The Kiwi cuttings I took in Autumn, I just cut off about 6 inches at the end of the growing spurs when I was pruning, popped them into some damp compost and kept them in the greenhouse, the other week they started to break bud so it looks like they have taken

  5. I'll hqve to try this with mums plan this autumn! Thanks for the tip!

  6. Sorry - terrible typos on that last comment!


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