Friday 20 March 2020

A Long Time Coming

This blog post has been a long time coming,
So much has gone on, our lives have been on a roller coaster.
I am just going to outline some of the major events just to update things.
December 17th 
Martin went into hospital for an operation on his shoulder to repair a rotar cuff injury.
All went well, his shoulder an arm was totally immobilised and was going to be for 8 weeks, operation went well. 
Then it went wrong he developed an infection  was taken back into hospital, we had ART coming out daily to give him antibiotics intravenously.
During this time our eldest grandson Connor came to live with us, I also got news a dear long standing friend  had passed away very suddenly.
January 17th 
Our grandson Cameron was tragically killed in an accident 

Our world fell apart, it was a long nearly six week wait for the funeral, Martin was battling infection and having to go back in hospital, we were trying to keep things going here on the small holding battling relentless storms and rain.
March 17th 
I had to go into 12 week self isolation taking the government advice, being in the high risk group, 
COVID19 is sweeping the country, Martin should have been going in for another operation as the infection still goes on and not coming under control, operation cancelled, we have to now manage it at home, antibiotics and dressings is all the surgery can give us.
There has been good news 
Our granddaughter is expecting twins in June 

Twin 1

Identical twin girls, A high risk pregnancy but she is being well cared for and is also on isolation until delivery.

On the smallholding front, all is well, We passed the TB testing, the buffalo mamas are pregnant, the goats are pregnant, the sheep are pregnant. 
Babies and new life everywhere. 
With everything going into lock down we are well prepared, the freezers are full of meat fruit and vegetables, we have plenty stores of canned preserved and dried foods.
We are now in a new growing season although we still have things to harvest.
We are very lucky to be in this position we can still go for walks spend plenty time outside, there is always lots to do, being self sufficient puts you in a good position we can also help out others who are not in a good place.
We have not had to stock up on anything except for animal feed, thank goodness the grass is starting to grow again a few weeks and we can turn out the Buffalo again. 
With all this down time this could be the year we catch up on all those jobs.
2020 is turning into a very memorable time, good and bad.


  1. Oh my word Dawn, you've had some awful things going on, I send you a virtual hug and my very best wishes for a better time. Must be scary that Martin's infection has to be managed by yourselves at home. So sorry about your grandson.

  2. Dawn, I am so sorry to hear about all your troubles and losing your grandson too. I do hope Martin's infection clears up soon.

  3. Oh Dawn, you've had a difficult go of it. All the health difficulties and then the heartbreaking loss of your grandson. Thank you so much for your update. It's never easy to share hard news, but those of us who've followed and enjoyed your blog are rooting for you.

  4. Hubby had the same operation as Martin a few years ago, it repaired the issue well, I do hope Martin is better soon, must be a worry for you. I'm glad your beautiful home is going well.

  5. Glad to hear from you Dawn even though all the news is far from good. I know you and Martin are more than prepared for the current situation and we too are staying put and managing absolutely fine. I hope Martin is on the mend soon, congratulations on the twins and even though when we come out the other side of this things will have changed a LOT, come out of it we will. Stay safe.

  6. Thank you for the update. Hope things pick up for Martin soon. Loosing a grandchild must b almost unbearable. Busy times on the smallholding, Look after yourself xGill

  7. My dear, what a dreadful few months you and your family have had - it puts things in perspective. I do hope that the tide has tured now for you. The arrival of new lives - and one day the ending of this virus and all shall be well. Take care.

  8. So sorry for all the problems and the loss of someone dear. Words are not enough in a situation like that. Sorry that Martin is not mending properly either. Hope things start to improve soon. Pleased for the good news about your granddaughter and twins. Babies bring so much joy and promise. Glad the smallholding is going well on all fronts. Just take care. Tricia x

  9. Dear Dawn ,so glad you managed to post, I have been wondering and worrying about you and sending you energy, for whatever you were coping with. Hope you start on a good streak now.
    Like you self isolating in Carmarthenshire on a small holding.
    My thoughts are with you xx

  10. I do not have the words, but only the feelings. Thank you for sharing. I am so sorry about your grandson. Hope Martin will continue to heal.

    Glad to hear at least your are ready as you can be given the circumstances.

  11. What a difficult and dreadful time you have had - words are not enough but sending love and sympathy over the internet.
    Hoping there are some good times ahead as new lives grow and develop.

  12. Oh Dawn, what a difficult time you have had, but thank goodness that you have your smallholding and are self sufficient with food. Sending prayers of love and healing to you and your family. Vx

  13. I'm sorry that your family is going through such a difficult stretch. Please know that you are all in my prayers.

  14. Firstly, good to see you posting again but sorry things are not going that great. Very sad news about your grandson and hope Colin recovers fully in time. Take care and be safe. XXXXX

  15. woopsi, previous post had wrong name for your husband, apologies.

  16. Dawn, I am so sorry to read about your grandson. We lost a granddaughter as a result of a car accident. The pain inside is insurmountable at times, but as they say, it does get easier to bear, in time.
    I had both rotator cuffs operated on. On my right one they had to cut away part of the clavicle. That was a long recovery but fortunately, unlike Martin, I did not get an infection. I hope that the home treatment gets it under control for him.
    Congratulations to becoming a great grandma! How exciting.

  17. Oh my, you have had a very bad time of it. My condolences on the loss of your grandson.

    God bless.

  18. Best wishes, good thoughts and prayers.

  19. I am so sorry to read of all your troubles. May your life get better soon.


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