Wednesday 28 February 2018

Sheep's and Stuff

A lot of our time just lately has been spent with the sheep.
 4 months ago we had our six Hebrideans and one stray manky sheep that turned up on the drive, since then another 17 strays have arrived in dribs and drabs, so now we have a flock of 24 18 of which the owner has failed to collect, we have wormed them we have vaccinated them and last week we discovered two of them had signs of Scab, a mite that causes the fleece to drop off among other things. At the cost of £104 we have treated the whole flock.
I bought one of these for injections makes the job easier, it fastens to the bottle and all I have to do is stick the needle in and squeeze the trigger and it refills. As well as all the medications there has been extra hay and feed and we suspect a few of them are in lamb.
 Today we moved them all to the big field with the slope, There is still some grazing there for them,
 Also with the worst of the weather coming there is shelter there for them at the bottom of the slope.
 It has been cold and th ice on the water troughs needs smashing 3-4 times a day, but we are all prepared, extra straw bedding has going in to all the animal shelters, they all have extra hay, Martin has been down to the grit bins and brought some up to the end of the drive for us to use. Plenty logs stacked up beside the fires.
Plenty food and supplies in. 
 I picked the first of the daffodils that were just starting to open,

 Pots of soup have been made for lunches

 Breakfast has been waffles and warmed summer fruits with yogurt and honey
Strawberry and white chocolate muffins to have with a cuppa.
Today we took a break and headed down to the beach with the dogs
It was cold but lovely the beach was empty, we had hot chocolate with a bag of chips.
It was a chance to blow away the cobwebs before we hunker down, perhaps the weather has got it wrong.





  1. Hunker down is right. It's set to worsen. You take care I'd your animals do well and I hope the cold weather doesn't bring you any problems. Take care. X

  2. What sort of farmer can afford to lose 18 sheep for goodness sake! We're watching and waiting now...tomorrow is set to be interesting if nothing else! x

  3. It sounds like you have more than paid for those sheep, one way or another! It sounds like you are well-prepared for this weather anyway and your animals will be snug and well-fed.

    We went to the beach last week but a tad too cold the past couple of days! You were very brave!

    Strawberry and white chocolate muffins - you've just made me hungry!

  4. Just heard you have a red weather warning for this afternoon, keep warm and dry. We have had a dusting so far, but we are promised more.

  5. Oh, I can't wait for spring. Those daffodils are so pretty. All of your food looks so good too.

  6. Well the forecasters certainly didn't get it wrong here Dawn - it is every bit as bad as they said it would be. Keep warm.

  7. Great pictures. Keep warm and hopefully this is the last blast of winter.

  8. I had a similar day, without the sheep! Love hunkering down.The snow and the wind arrived around tea time and the wind still hasn't abated much. We are now in!

  9. We have some nasty weather headed our way as well. Hunker down and stay safe.

    God bless.

  10. Oh a beach day! How nice! :)) Your daffodils are so beautiful. And how wonderful of you to take in stray sheep. Nice. :) My mouth watered at your waffles and muffins!!!


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