Tuesday 9 January 2018

An Emotional Roller Coaster

The past five days we have been on a real emotional roller coaster, our beloved Tess was rushed in for an emergency life saving  operation on Saturday.
She was very poorly and with her age the vet said to prepare ourselves for the worse.
It all started on Friday evening when she kept being sick or trying to, Saturday morning she refused breakfast, in the afternoon she was being x rayed at the vets, they gave us three options as they needed to operate, a twisted gut and her stomach had started to die off in which case she would be put to sleep, a tumour that was causing a blockage in which case given her age she would be put to sleep, or a blockage from something she had eaten in which case they would do what they can, we went home and waited  nearly 5 hours later we got news, they operated for almost 4 hours and removed 7lb in weight of compacted sugar beet. 
She was very very poorly and we had a sleepless night with worry.
Sunday morning we went to visit her as she wasn't recovering well from the anaesthetic. Her breathing was very laboured.
We went back in the evening to spend a few hours with her, she wagged her tail when she saw us, and seemed a lot more with it, they couldn't get her to eat anything or drink, and more so she was not making any attempt to get to her feet.
 we couldn't get her to eat, but working with the nurse we did get her to her feet although it wasn't for long before her legs gave way.
 Monday morning and I had a conversation with the vet, he was saying she wasn't making any progress, her legs couldn't hold her and she still wasn't eating or drinking, he said we should perhaps let her go, she had gone through a lot of trauma and seemed like she was giving up, I disagreed I thought she was more scared of being back in a cage a surrounded by strangers, it was suggested that we should take her home to end her days. We went to pick her up and she brought out to the car on a stretcher.
Martin carried her into the house and she was put on a bed in the lounge, Sol was pleased to see her and she was to see him within a few minutes she was trying to get to her feet drank a bowl of water and I manged to help her outside for pee. She made her way back to her own bed with help were she went to sleep with Sol in his bed beside her. She ate some supper.
 This morning she ate breakfast, once on her feet with help she stood in line waiting for a brush while Sol had his
  Throughout the day she has improved 100% eating, drinking going outside, she can now get to her feet herself most of the time, she is still a little shaky and her legs keep giving out but she is getting stronger all the time.
Tomorrow she has to go back to the vet for a post op check up, they only gave us enough medication for a couple of days as she wasn't expected to make it. I am hoping she will walk in and show them
There is life in the old dog yet  🐕


  1. Oh poor doggie...I hope she continues to recover x

  2. Our animals are such a big part of our family, it's so awful when they're not well. Hope she gets stronger every day.

  3. I always think Dawn that animals, like humans, often recover more quickly when they get home - so here's fingers crossed for the old darling.

  4. Poor Tess. I am pleased you took her home, she clearly missed being around you. Emotional wellbeing is as important for our companion animals as it is for us. Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery. I am surprised Tess ate that much sugar beet! I hope she keeps away from it from now on. Good luck. x

  5. Hoping for more and more improvement bless her. XXXXX

  6. Poor Tess. Bet she couldn't wait to get home. Wishing her a speedy recovery - I would imagine raw sugar beet taste bad though!!

  7. Oh Dawn how sad but how wonderful at the same time. I hope she continues to rally and proves them wrong.

  8. Oh Dawn how sad but how wonderful at the same time. I hope she continues to rally and proves them wrong.

  9. Poor Tess.....and poor you and Martin having to go through all that. It must have been horrendous for you.
    I'm so relieved that you took her home and I hope she recovers fully. Please give her a gentle hug from me.

  10. I'm so glad you know Tess that well, we had a cat who hated the vets,.I hope she nack to herself soon.

  11. Sometimes home is the best place to be. :) I will keep a good thought for your Tess!

  12. I hope she continues to improve , Its so upsetting for everybody when your pets are poorly but its amazing what being at home has done for her xxx

  13. Poor Tess, after her massive ordeal she just wanted to get home to her family and familiar surrounds. Not much different from the rest of us. Hope she continues to do well and is feeling better soon.

  14. Oh,my heart goes out to you.Its awful when a pet is ill and i am so glad that you are able to bring her home.Hope that she continues to get well as each day goes by,which im sure she will being back with all that love her.Love and best wishes to you all,Debi,xx

  15. Sending best wishes she continues to improve. Xx

  16. There is no place like home. Tess is such a brave soldier and I hope she pulls through.

  17. So pleased Tess is home with the both and I'm sure your love and care will do her the world of good.

  18. Poor you and poor Tess. It's often so difficult to find out what's the matter with animals. One can't always interpret their communications!
    Often you know it's time for them to go when their dignity is suffering. Tess doesn’t sound as though she's at that stage yet and I’m sure Sol will encourage her to get better.
    I hope you have managed to relax a little now, emotionally any way, though I imagine there may be a few things to catch up with after the week you've just had! Sue

  19. OMG Dawn...I'm so happy to read the last part of your post. That really scared me, reminded me of a similar story in my life. Tess is such a sweetie...sending her all the best! xxx

  20. I'm pleased she's improving - so frightening.
    We had a similar experience with our big cat a few years ago - he had a blocked gut due to eating an ornamental grass with spiky edges. Our wonderful vet operated and removed the blockage, but he wouldn't eat - and they wouldn't let him go home until he was eating. They put a tube into his stomach to feed him which resulted in constant diarrhoea. After the best part of a fortnight they said he could come home for a weekend and we had to try and get him to eat just one mouthful of food. Once he was home he started eating and never stopped all weekend - and no sign of diarrhoea.
    Hope your outcome is as happy
    barbara x

  21. I hope she is continuing to do well. Being home always helps.

  22. Such a worrying time for you Dawn. I thought she would rally once she got back home and surrounded with love. What a trooper she is!

  23. What a relief that she has started to make progress, well done Tess.

  24. I hope that she pulls through - it's so hard when they're poorly and you can't do anything to help but wait. Fingers crossed...!

  25. Hello,I am new to your blog.I am a passionate animal lover.Was so moved when I read this post.Really hoping and got fingers and toes crossed that your Beautiful dog pulls through.Hugs to all

  26. Hope Tess is better. It's horrible when we can't do much for our faithful pets


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