Tuesday 23 January 2018

All About Frasier

Saturday Frasier was out of it all day, we kept up with syringing warm water and molasses into him in an attempt to keep him hydrated.
 If the vet had said its time to call it would have, but we were told lets just go another 12 hours then update, Saturday night when we called in with a update there was no change and the same Sunday morning, we had to keep hauling him into an upright position several times a day and each time we added more bales of straw to keep him propped up, after shunting him around sunday morning, he became more alert we offered him food  
 he ate
 and ate
 and ate
 All of Sunday he could be seen eating and Monday, next step was to try and get him to his feet, moving and massaging his legs
 We put together a home made hoist and sling, got him hoisted up enough for his legs to be stimulated then back down and repeated again later and again later on in the evening when he did finally weight bear.
It is now just lots of physio lots of nursing and time will tell if he will ever be back n his feet. Martin has to go back to work again today so the rest of the week will be down to e and some friends to keep working with him.


  1. Rooting for you Frasier.....you can do it little man.
    Bless you for the wonderful care you give your animals Dawn.

  2. If anyone can get him round it is you Dawn, fingers crossed that it works, if you need a hand any day bar Wednesday give me a shout.

    1. Thanks for the offer I have plenty of men with muscles available to help out he is a big heavy lump

  3. Thank goodness for his improvement, as Pam says above if anyone can save him, it will be you.

  4. I hope he recovers, Dawn. Big responsibility on your shoulders with Martin away.

  5. Keeping everything crossed for the little chap.

  6. I hope Frazier makes a good recovery, poor wee chap. I also hope you get some rest, the past few weeks must have been hard for you. x

  7. Happy to hear. Hope he continues to do well. And yes, be sure to take care of yourself as well.

  8. If you hadn't been so dedicated to nursing him he wouldn't have made it this far. Amazing care. Good luck to you and the little chap.

  9. The fact he is eating well is a real positive. The sling will help him until he is strong enough to stand properly again - and I am sure that he will. I can't volunteer right now as we have to pick up the new-to-us car, K has a Dr's appt., then we are packing for/setting up/standing at the Botanic Gardens and then we have a belated day at the shop as we had to cancel it last week because of no functioning car.

  10. Sending best wishes to Frazier and yourselves.

  11. Oh dear Dawn...I hope Frasier will be okay, he is such a sweetie.

  12. I am rooting that Frasier makes a full recovery. He is so darn cute.

    God bless.


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