Monday 20 December 2021

‘‘Twas The Week Before Christmas

 And all is fine, life continues on the smallholding animals still need feeding, feeding changes in winter they need more carbs and calories to help keep them warm, and with the Buffalo shut in there winter quarters we add chopped fodder beet to there daily feed

Martin went and collected a lorry load at the week end , we will proberbly need another two to see us through until they go back out to graze in the spring.

The Buffalo go through two large haylage bales every five days so it’s an expensive time of year feed wise for us along with all the straw for bedding. 

The others all get treats too.

Thanks to a lovely friend .

I have had a couple of rough weeks health wise and it’s put the Christmas preps back a bit, but I did get a bit of a catch up the other day.

In the new year we will be announcing some big changes that are taking place on our smallholding, it’s going to be an exciting 2022 for us.

We have had some lovely weather this past week and took the opportunity while out delivering some Buffalo meat boxes to take Poppy to the beach for the first time, she was very scared but after a while she relaxed a bit but is not ready to be let off her lead.

We have had some fantastic sun rises as well, helps you forget the storms we went through the power cuts and torrential rain.

Got some present wrapping to go and finish, Martin is cooking fish chowder for dinner, fire is lit and the dogs are snoozing all is well in our little world hope all is in yours too.


  1. I'm glad your small holding is doing well, you both work so hard. Have a good festive season, I look forward to hearing your changes for 2022.

  2. Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better. That is a nifty little decoration with the moss and hyacinths.

    Good luck with the Poinsettias. I have not had luck keeping the alive beyond two or three months.

    What does lovely weather constitute at this time of year in Wales? Here we are generally in the 7 to 12 C range, but on Christmas it is expected to be 27 C.

  3. Hope you and all your smallholding livestock have a super Christmas.


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