Saturday 4 December 2021

December Rolls In That Means …….

It’s time to get some Christmas preparations on the way,  
My wreath is up

The dogs have there advent calenders
Christmas is a very low key affair here and we don’t buy into the commercial side of it. It is more of spending some relaxed time together enjoying a few treats that we only have at Christmas, hopefully a picnic on the beach with the dogs and we should have a friend joying us this year.

I didn’t get mice meat made this year so I bought a jar of cheap mincemeat think it cost 37p and turned it into a luxury mincemeat.
There is a video showing how I have done it.

Next up was a favourite that brings back childhood memories and something that has always been associated with Christmas for me. 

Over the coming weeks there are more preparations I have planned, 
Involving luxury Christmas coloured cherries

Christmas coloured chillies 
Straw flowers from the garden.

A tiny bottle of honey flavouring
Along with other projects, Christmas sausages, Christmas trees, sweet treats, cookies, keepsake gift tags and lots more, if you want to follow us along with our seasonal preparations pop on to our YouTube channel and click the subscribe button, you won’t miss any of the videos then. There is a link to the channel up the top right hand side of the blog. 
Here is another video link for you Our 40 hour power cut after storm Arwen hit us. 

Thanks everyone for the well wishes, I am still plodding on there is no change and still waiting to meet with the neurosurgeon .


  1. Just reading backwards your posts and came across ‘the leak’, hoping everything is well and that a fast recovery is met. Just like to say that your blog is a wonderful well of information and is so very well presented.

  2. I had no idea there were Advent calendars for dogs! How fun! I like your approach to Christmas. Tradition is important, but not the modern frenzy.

    Sounds like you're hanging in there with your leak. I'm so glad it isn't getting worse. Hopefully, the neurosurgeon will have good news.


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