Friday 26 February 2021

While The Sun Shines

 There has not been a lot of sunny days this year, but then we are only in February, the few good days we have been out there getting things done, snow we have had along with freezing conditions, rain and gales those days see the every day chores done and lots of indoor stuff, calm dry sunny days and we are outside from dawn to dusk playing catch up.

I got the willow dome all tied in and pruned the other day, it’s just starting to break bud, looking forward to seeing it all green up, this is the first year I have managed to get it into shape, I am on the look out for a nice comfy seat to put in it, as I am thinning out herbs over the next few weeks I am going to plant to thinning around the dome, mainly mint and lemon balm perhaps some comfrey.

We have’s of soup day over the cold days, Muligtawny and Minestrone have been the favourites and a lovely filling lunch,

The fencing is going up in the new goat area, fingers crossed Elvis Helen and last years kids will be moving in next week, .

It will be great for them to have a bigger goat house and a new area we can rotate them on to.

The growing season is well on the way, last autumn I found some tomatoes that had self seeded in the polytunnel, I took some of them up and kept them in protection over winter, a couple of them them are now flowering and fruiting,

They were brought in and put under the grow lights in January, but now are back in the polytunnel, 

Grandson Connor who lives with us has just finished the restoration and conversion work on his second Utility Jimney, it’s now up for sale and he is starting work on number three .

Utility Vehicle here is a link to his advert on Facebook if anyone is interested ,

Time to sign off now and get another day on the go.

Take Care.


  1. What a natty little vehicle that is! And fruiting tomatoes in February - you have obviously got your Nursery off to a fine art.

  2. That utility vehicle looks spiffy - and useful. Good luck to your grandson!

    The tomatoes in February are amazing. No chance of that here without the same set up that you have.

    I am looking forward to seeing the willow dome with leaves.

  3. There's so much going on at your smallholding. I'm itching to get started on the veg plot. Made a start yesterday now it's not raining.


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