Sunday 29 November 2020


 I now have a new working phone, yeah great news, it means I now have a camera to hand when I doing things, funny thing it was the camera I missed more than the communication, I don’t really use my phone much and defiantly don't do internet or apps on it. 

We have had some glorious frosty mornings, I love days like these I get some much done,

New phone was not the only new thing this week,

I needed new boots, my preferred boots are Derwent Muckboots with neoprene upper, comfy to wear no rubbing, great for fat calves, Keep my feet warm and dry and best of all they were on Sale this week. 

my old boots were just over two years old, and considering they are almost daily worn they have done well, the seam between the shoe part and the neoprene upper was coming adrift,  

But they haven’t gone to waste, I have cut off the uppers now I have some comfy shoe boots perfect for the garden and very timely as my old cloggies are now ready for the bin.

I have made up feeders for the hives and started feeding, I like these feeders as they just push into the door and the bees can feed from inside.

I have diluted down some bee sugar paste for them.

It’s also very easy to see when they need topping up

My grandson who has been living with us since December last year, has been spending his time when not working, converting a horse lorry to a tiny home that he hopes to go travelling with.

This week he wanted to make some new seat covers, I don’t think he expected it to be so involved

But between us I think we did a grand job, now he just has to do the bench seat.

One of the rams went into the freezer this week

Being Hebridean they grow slowly so we do them as Hoggets between 18 months and two years.

We still have another two to do. 

All in all it’s been a busy week with lots of jobs getting done, I have been gathering bits up for a garden project in the next day or so I hope to get it put together, lots of soups have been made, a bit of baking.

I hope you have had a good productive week. 


  1. Good to read about your very productive week. I have some dining chairs that I am thinking about re-upholstering but think it might be too big a job for me although when I pulled the covers they don't look too complicated. I just have to get motivated to start. If you would like to read my blog I hope you enjoy my travels here in Australia.

  2. Lot of interesting things going on at your place. Your grandson's re-upholstery job looks great! That's a useful skill to know.

  3. Very productive indeed.

    I am with you on the phone. The primary use is photos and messaging within the family, second is some particular study apps (they are handy for those), and a very distant third is as an actual phone (other than my parents and my wife, literally no-one calls me except people wanting things).

  4. I thought I had a productive week...until I came here and saw that I was not productive at all, comparatively speaking. I'd sure like to see a picture of the completed tiny house one day.


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