Sunday 7 April 2019

A Very Sad Week with Highlights

Sunday 31st March 
Clocks changing and Mothers Day rolled into one, the clock changing always throws me out  for a couple of weeks, really don't see why we have to go though this ritual twice a year as we are very much a 24hr society now.
The Cheese got waxed a few weeks then it can be tasted and decided if its worth doing any more.
Monday 1st  April
Oh my such a sad sad day.
This is Maggie, We have been best friends for 14 years, Maggie lived in Hull and I lived in Milton Keynes when we first encountered each other, we met through a crafting forum and hit it off instantly, 
Maggie was disabled with a genetic disease Vascular Ehlers Danlos  she also had other complications, She had a fantastic sense of humour and out look on life, our relationship was constant phone calls lasting hours, we did manage to meet on several occasions too.
Maggie passed away early morning aged 53. I am devastated and still cant believe she is gone.
With all the sadness of the day we took Tess to Pembery sands, it gave me chance to  blow away the cobwebs and remember Maggie.
 The old wreck on the sands
It is unnamed 
and believed to be from the 18th Century
This photo was taken in 1950.
Tuesday 2nd April 
After the sad news of Maggie, good news was just around the corner, Maggie had an assistance dog from Dogs For Good (formerly Dogs for the Disabled) it was were Sol and Kara came from when they retired, We got a phone call to say Paige who was Maggie's dog was ours, we put in the request on Monday as many a time Maggie had said when Paige retires she would be coming to our little farm, her family followed up on her wishes as Paige is too old to be retrained now.  She was being boarded in Manchester and Martin would be collecting her later in he week.

Wednesday April 3rd
Martin is away at work,  and I got up to this
Snow and it was bitterly cold after the spring sunshine days we had, 
Still muddling through the days and making arrangements to travel to Hull for Maggie's funeral.
Thursday 4th April  
Yet more white stuff what is going on with the weather 
A short video of the new lambs in the snow.
Friday 5th April
Yeah the snow has gone and the sun has come out, spring has come back.
Martin came back today and brought Paige home.

 She settle in straight away
 and made herself at home, she is a bit on the chunky side so this young lady, who we think is 7 we don't have her paperwork yet, is on a diet, the last few months of Maggie's life she wasn't able to exercise Paige and her waist line has expanded. It wont take long to get her in shape, her coat is like velvet so soft and in fantastic condition.
Saturday 6th April
Another sad start to the day, one of the lambs was taken by a fox overnight. It was one of a twin born a few days ago. So now we are waging war on the fox population around here.
Paige has been running around the fields like a lunatic at this rate she will be slim in no time.
She has introduced herself to all the livestock and the ducks were not impressed and saw her off. 
Tess had a lovely present today
As you have seen on the blog, Tess is not good on long walks her back legs are just not up to it. We end up cutting walks short and having to carry her.
 Tess now has her own princess carriage
 So now when her legs give out she can hitch a lift and enjoy the rest of the outing in style.
Its was an exciting day for the buffalo too
here is another short video
After being confined over winter they are now back on grass, and they were so excited.
So all in all a very up and down week, with life comes death, with sadness comes happiness its all one big circle that balances itself out.




  1. So sorry to read about your friend, but how wonderful that you have her lovely dog to live with you now, a beautiful happy retirement for her and warm happy memories of your friend for you. And a welcome companion for Tess.

  2. Very sad for you with your friend Maggie dying. What a lovely photo of her and wonderful you're giving her dog a home. I lost three friends in the last two years and it hit me badly.. but I have lovely memories as I am sure you will too.

  3. That's how the world goes round Dawn, but that doesn't make it any less sad that your dear friend has died. May she rest in peace.

  4. I lost my best friend (from school days) and a good friend from Uni in the space of a few months, so know how hard Maggie's death must have hit you. One little ray of sunshine is you having Paige for Maggie - you already know that was what she wanted for Paige too.

    I hope we can now move steadily into spring with no snow-blips.

  5. How sad for you.I am sure you will get comfort from Paige.Maggie will be looking down on you with a smile on her face assured Paige is well cared for.

  6. So very sorry that you lost your friend Maggie, but so happy that Paige has found a home with you. My DH lost his BFF of 73 years last week. Sudden, unexpected and shocking! I had recently that alpagas are good guard animals. Could they go in the same field with the sheep and take care of the foxes?

  7. So sorry about your friend. But bless you for giving her dog a place to go. I am sure she will run down to slim in no time.

  8. I am so very sorry for the loss of your friend Dawn.
    Lovely to meet Paige.

  9. Sorry that you and Paige suffered a loss of a dear one, but glad you now have each other to heal with.


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