Friday 19 October 2018

In Stickle Tarn Kitchen

With all the harvesting there has been a lot going on in the kitchen,
 I came across a recipe for Dream Cheese, using clabbered milk, which basically is raw fresh milk left to curdle and seperate
 you then drain off all the whey mix in a bit of salt and leave it to drain again
 then its rolled into cheesy balls coated with a mix of dried herbs and then covered with olive oil. Ready for eating a couple of weeks later. All very easy and straight forward.
 As milking is still in full swing yogurt has been a staple in the kitchen. We always use the last pot as a started for the next batch.
 Its the time of year to get Sloe Gin on the go, its been a good year for sloes.
 The last of the courgettes were turned into courgette marmalade, which is surprisingly very tasty and has no resemblance to courgette at all.
 Wild Mushrooms have been in abundance this year, they have been dehydrated

 and canned for future meals.

 We have harvested some great red cabbages, as well as having braised red cabbage
some also got pickled

 The tomato harvest has been fantastic with over 100lb of tomatoes harvested, I have canned a basic tomato sauce, a spicy tomato sauce, a tomato based BBQ sauce, 
Tomatoes are still ripening  next on the list is some tomato base soups.
Apart from the foul weather last week end when our area was battered and soaked and flooded by storm Callum we are still enjoying  some fantastic weather.
There is still plenty more to harvest and put away for us to enjoy during the colder months.


  1. Everything looks so good! I love the idea of the dream cheese. I need to try that too, while I still have more milk than I know what to do with. Winter will be here all too soon so it'e time to get everything finished up and tucked away.

  2. A great harvest by the look of things. Sloes down in our valley were non-existent! I did find a few in a Hay car park though, plus some tiny plums not much bigger than a sloe so I had better get some gin and make a Christmas present for my son, who enjoys Sloe Gin most.

  3. Looks Great! I have never really appreciated gin, but I am intrigued.

  4. What an incredible harvest! I am so impressed. Look at the size of that cabbage!


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