Monday 5 June 2017

No One Else To Blame Or Is There

 Sol is feeling really sorry for himself, but its his own fault, or is Tess to Blame 
Since losing all this weight 11kg now, Tess can get into places she should be, a favourite place she has discovered is the chicken house and steals the odd egg
A few days I caught both dogs in the chicken house having a party eating eggs, they were both given a stern talking too, Sol has never ventured into the chicken house before so Tess has taught him this, 
The next day I could see Sol's tail wagging outside the pop hole, I opened the big door and there he was on his own he had eaten half a bucket of chicken feed, a few hours later after drinking water his belly swelled and swelled he was bloated uncomfortable and feeling sorry for himself, a few days on he is starting to recover having only boiled rice and chicken to eat, the vet said it just have to work itself through.
To prevent any future raids
 Martin has fashioned a pop hole door to there run that the dogs cant get through, the chickens free range we just open the run door for them, the pop hole on the chicken house was originally made to accommodate the Turkeys and is larger than normal. 

The area that Martin was cultivating the other day I have made a start planting up with surplus veg plants, this will be food for the goats, I would like to try and grow as much as there food as possible.
 I popped out to a local nursery yesterday, I was after a clematis to be planted in front of the cabin and train to grow over it, they had a big crate outside filled with seed trays and a big sign 
Please Help Yourself.
So I did, I left plenty for other people I thought a few friends would like some too, Louise from Living The Good Life In Wales  is visiting in a few weeks and I have some for her.
 Martin got the Rayburn Chimney cleaned out over the week end,
It is now burning lovely again, we no longer pay the chimney sweep to come out saving £150 a year
Harvests are starting to come in, lettuce radish sweet white onions, asparagus is still producing, new potatoes and I did pick the first of the peas.
 I made us some mackerel fish cakes to have with salad

 The spare ones were open froze on trays then into a container for future meals. The fishcakes were lovely with sweet chili sauce.
 Yesterday morning the three goats were milked we collected 8 pints,
I do expect this will drop in a few days as they adjust to not feeding the kids over night.
That's it for our week end news a wet day today, think most of my day will be in kitchen using up the milk glut.


  1. You are always so busy and practical Dawn. Well done with growing food for the goats too. I struggle just to have a few things growing for me (Keith is NOT a veggie man!!)

    I trust that Sol learned his lesson (and naughty Tess leading him astray.)

    I expect to next find you making goat's milk soap . . .

  2. Sol, what a boy. Hope his tummy is better soon and he may learn his lesson? Love the idea of growing the goats some food on that new patch. Ooh seed trays yes please. Hope this heavy rain is over by my visit Coming down in buckets today and have to get the fresh bedding to the room dry as I have a last minute booking this evening! My onions are looking really healthy but will leave a bit longer so we have eaten up the last lot I had to buy, hopefully no more to buy for a good while! Wonderful effort on the milk ladies.

  3. Very wet day here too Dawn.
    It is a good job my Tess is not near at hand - she could get through that pop hole and pass the eggs out!
    I admire the way you really do live the good life.

  4. As busy as ever Dawn, if you have a use for them I have a small stack of seed trays and an electric propagator that I have no room for now. I am happy to run over with them.

  5. We've still got sunshine but its very windy today, in fact its been quite gusty at times. I believe rain due again tomorrow. Poor Sol I bet he did feel poorly bless him. I wish I lived closer I'd love some free seed trays.

  6. Poor Sol...just when he thought he could sneak a snack

  7. Poor old Sol, it never feels any better knowing you only have yourself to blame!

  8. Poor old Sol, it never feels any better knowing you only have yourself to blame!

  9. We have a rather spectacular picture of the time our Lab Syrah ate an entire pizza when no-one else was home.

  10. Oh, poor Sol! One of my ponies ate a whole bag of chicken feed! I honestly thought he would explode!!! Luckily he didn't get collic, but he didn't get fed for a few days either!

  11. Sol reminds me so much of buddy! Labradors!! One track mind


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