Friday 19 May 2017

An Idea Developing

I do save pictures and web pages to my computer of ideas I like, sometimes they can be implemented or sometimes they just become inspiration for something else.
I was sent some Yam Bulbils by a friend she didn't really know what they were or how they would grow, I did a bit of research I love the Internet for that and I think they might be Chinese Yam's

 as well as the root to harvest the bulbils are edible as Yamberries. 
They need a fair amount of vertical space
This got me thinking were was I going to grow them, I needed to get a move on with an idea as they were already starting to produce shoots.
I went to bed thinking about Yams and then had a light bulb moment, going back through pictures I had saved I found this one 
Yes this is what I want to do make a tunnel to grow my squashes over and the Yams
Yesterday I started putting my idea into action
I had two unused poly tunnel frames these are small ones that came with that green plastic covering with zipped doors, 
I moved the frames round over the box squash bed that were set up last Autumn
 The space between the box beds I am going to close in and grow the yams in those spaces
I still have to cover the frames with some live stock fencing Martin will have to help me with that.
My squash yam tunnel is only 22ft x 12ft not as big as the one in the idea photo.
The box beds are on the south side of the poly tunnel,  by the time the squashes grow over it, they should help to create some shade for the poly tunnel in the hottest part of the day, 
The box beds are being planted with a variety of squashes at the back and a single courgette plant at the front, the beds are filled with compost from the compost bins so should give plenty of depth and goodness for the plants.
The grass area will soon be covered with membrane and covered over with wood chip, there is still room to get to the compost bins.
It nice to see an idea take shape. 




  1. I've seen pumpkins grown this way too - they look very attractive & it saves ground space.

  2. LI've this idea! It's going to look great in a few months time.

  3. What a fab way of using 'up there' for growing, and it looks so attractive, too. Thanks again for the wild garlic advice - I'm going to get onto that after the weekend.

  4. Great wat to use your space and should save you time later as they won't need straw around the fruits.

  5. Just wow! You are so productive and inventive. You always amaze me.

  6. Wow! That is going to look marvellous when it's in full production. Clever lady.

  7. That's a great way to grow squash, keeps them away from our welsh slugs. The yam berries take about 3 years to grow, according to Real Seeds and have an incredible cinnamon scented flower, they also grow a large tuber that can grow 3 feet downwards . amazing ! Kathy

  8. That tunnel is a work of art whatever they taste like

  9. Isn't it exciting to plan then make it real, I love the photo from your saved ideas xx

  10. Can't wait to see them growing, brilliant use of space and equipment available. I grew butternut squash up the side of a fence a couple of years ago. I used old tights to secure the vine and fruits.

  11. I love that squash tunnel Dawn, that's also something I would really like to do one day. That and a bean and melon tunnel! :)


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