Friday 18 May 2012

Recycling Those Rags

Last Saturday we had a Love Bletchley Day in our local town to re-introduce people to the high street and to show them what we had to offer, it was a brilliant day with over 80 stalls, selling and promoting goods and services, we had a street theatre , a fashion show put on by charity shops, the sun shone and a good time was had by all, the high street was bustling just like the old days, we had a stand outside our craft shop, and we decided we would take the opportunity to demonstrate old country crafts, I spent most of the day rag rugging, and when our local mp Iain Stewart came along I took the opportunity to have him try his hand at a bit of old fashion re-cycling with rag rugging, then we had him trying his hand at bobbin lace, I explained a bit of the history of both crafts and explained about some of the other crafts we had on show, who says you cant teach an old dog new tricks. An enjoyable day was had by all it took us a couple of months organising it all, but it just goes to show what you can do when you all pull together.

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