Friday 27 April 2018

Its Time To Grow And Sow

Its a busy time of year, sowing seeds, growing on pricking out and getting out into the garden.
 Working on the garden is this year's on going project, I cut down the old tree in the garden the other day and it is the perfect place for this metal pheasant garden ornament.
 Before Martin went away to work he made me a suspended shelf for the poly tunnel, its  now planted up with strawberries in grow bags.
 And there is just enough room at the end of the shelf for this planter that has been planted up with tumbling tomatoes, they will have lots of space to tumble down and will be accessible.
 Hanging baskets are all planted up they will stay in the poly tunnel for another couple of weeks.
 And the window boxes are planted up with trailing geraniums again they wont go out for a couple weeks.
Asparagus is pushing its way up and there is enough to cut for a first harvest, this autumn I want to get a third row of asparagus planted up.
mushrooms are starting to appear in the poly tunnel borders again.
 I do feel everything is late this year but now the weather has improved, its all racing away and catching up, We are after all still in April. 
The leaves are bursting out on the trees and everywhere is taking on a green haze, we are always a few weeks later up here I think its the altitude slows it all down. The blossom is just coming out on the fruit trees and bushes. But it never effects the weeds they are just as prolific as ever. In truth there not weeds are getting less, now all the walk ways are covered with membrane and wood chip in the vegetable area and fruit cage there are less weeds in the grow beds to deal with, the borders in the garden are still work in progress and after years of weed seeds it will be some time before we see any reduction of weeds there. 
I hope you are all happy with your progress this year in the garden.



  1. That hanging shelf really maximises the space in your tunnel doesn't it? As you say, things are really late this year, but everything seems to be galloping away now, thank goodness.

    1. It also keeps things out of the reach of slugs :-)

  2. It’s the time of year when I’m itching to get planting, but April is far too soon. My greenhouse is full, so much promise. We are in Swansea for a few days and it’s pouring down at the moment. Love to read your updates.

    1. I am being very restrained with planting out this year

  3. You have achieved such a lot on your smallholding, Dawn, and well done you!

    1. Its taking shape and now feels a lot more relaxed

  4. We have planted our potatoes, but the rain and wet soil are delaying it. My asparagus is not up yet, but that's okay. I still need to weed the remaining part of the garden. Happy planting!

  5. I wish we could get out in our garden but the lawn is still like a bog.
    Love your polytunnel.

    1. We have good drainage up here one dry day and the soil is workable

  6. I am not happy with the progress in our vegetable garden this year. Potato stalks yet to appear and too cold and wet to sow outside. Thank goodness we have a poly-tunnel. You have made great progress. Well done!

    1. My potatoes are in the poly tunnel I am not bothering with them outside any more

  7. A suspended shelf is a brilliant idea! And I never though of growing bags, another good idea. I lost all my strawberries the summer before last because of the heat and drought. We're going to revamp the garden once the barn is done, so hopefully I'll get a new strawberry bed going after that.

  8. Somethng I never thought I'd say, but that asparagus is beautiful!


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