Tuesday 6 January 2009

First Snow of the Year

Happy New Year everyone, here we are with the first snow of the year to throw the country in even chaos than it is already in, in the photo is Bingo and Gizmo my two baby Silkies, 10 weeks old now, they didn't know what to make of the snow when it arrived yesterday, but are now old hats at it, they have been outside for a couple of weeks now, I was a bit concerned how they would cope with the cold but they seem to be fine, I moved them from the conservatory to the unheated greenhouse, they were starting to smell a lot, then after a few weeks in the greenhouse when the weather was mild they got moved outside into a small run with a small house, they had a week or so of mild weather before the cold snap arrived, they are growing really fast now and have developed there own personalities, I am starting to think they may be both cockerels that will be a shame.
From chickens to bees, I got the most wonderful Christmas pressie from hubby, a complete bee keeping kit, all the tools, the suit the hive arrives in a few weeks and we collect the bees at the start of spring, we have sorted out a location for it and I am going to join the local Bee Keepers Association I cant wait, another big step closer to living our dream.
There wasn't much doing over Christmas very quiet time it was lovely, although I did managed to grab a couple of days to have a tidy of the greenhouses and shed, all ready for the big planting season to start, on the mild days I was amusing myself in the garden with a bit of leaf collecting and weeding trying to get a head start on it all.
This year the big economy drive starts, I had a dabble at the end of last year, so now I know I can do it, its time to do it on a serious note, so every penny I spend gets logged down in my little book, and I am not drawing money from the bank, hubby will pay all the household bills but the day to day running of the house is down to me, I am having £30 a week housekeeping and I have the bits i earn from the auctions and card sales, I have canceled all my magazine subscriptions except one Home Farmer I love that magazine, and after falling off the wagon with the smoking while hubby was away in Nepal I have been to the doctors to give Champix another go, today will be the day I buy my last packet of cigs, I am looking forward to becoming a non smoker again.

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