Tuesday 8 February 2022

An Update is in Order

 I thought an update was in order, I am still battling with my health issue, my first hospital appointment with the surgeon was cancelled we drove for an hour just walked in the hospital doors and they phoned to cancel so it was back in the car and drive home again, we were both very disappointed  as we thought we were getting somewhere.

Anyway there was nothing we could do about it just suck it up.

I have now got another appointment next week fingers crossed this one will go ahead.

My GP did tell me results of the CT scan, it showed a hole in the skull, as it’s not his field he couldn’t really comment much more. 

I have good days we’re I feel somewhat normal and can get on with chores and try and play catch up on jobs, then I will be floored by bad days we’re I struggle to do anything and spend a lot of time laying down , bedtime is worse the nights are long and I toss and turn, which of course results in a battle with fatigue the following day.

I have been getting some things done a bit of canning

Training Poppy

Feeding Buffalo

And the freezers were given a big overhaul

I hope everyone is keeping well andI will update again after my hospital visit.


  1. Wow!.. I hope they get your health issues sorted out soon. I have just found your Youtube channel so look forward to catching up with your videos. It will be lovely seeing my beloved Wales again
    Take care x

  2. Hi Dawn,

    So sorry about your appointment. hope that the next one is kept for your sake. I am sorry about you health issues but can relate to fatigue as I have had this for the past six years or so. Part and parcel of several autoimmune conditions and vitamin D deficiency. i hope your issues are sorted soon; just take it steady in the meantime and don't beat yourself at not being able to do things. i have to do things slightly differently these days which involves doing a bit and then sitting down for a rest for 15 minutes or so, so am see-sawing when i am working a lot of the time. its very frustrating when you cannot just sail through things like I used to do. it does level out a bit as it goes on or at least that has been the case on my part. Take care Tricia x

  3. Thank you so much for the update Dawn. Here is hoping you are able to get in next week and prayers up.

  4. I do hope they get something sorted quickly. xx

  5. Dawn, I'm very happy for the update, but sorry to hear you are having to wait so long to get something done. Hang in there my friend!

  6. What a let down to find your appt. cancelled when you got to the hospital. I truly hope they can resolve your health issues quickly for you. Take care meanwhile. XXXXX


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